- 反 reverse side
- 经济循环 circular flow of economy
- 周期 period; cycle; circle; revol ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 反经济周期的 contracyclical
- 商业循环, 经济循环, 经济周期 business cycle
- 经济循环 business cycle; circular flow of economic system; circular flow of economy; circulation in the economy; economic circulation; economy cycle
- 经济循环标 business cycles indicator
- 经济循环流 the circular flow of the economy
- 热循环周期 heat cycle
- 循环周期 circulating period; cycle period; cycling period
- 经济循环分析 business cycle analysis
- 经济循环指标 business cycles indicator
- 光学循环周期 period of optical cycle; period of otpical cycle
- 焊接循环周期 welding period
- 商业循环周期 trade cycle times; tradecycletimes
- 生产循环周期 manufacturing cycle
- 反经济周期政策 counter cyclical policy
- 周期的,循环的 cyclic
- 四冲程循环周期 four-cycle period
- 太阳黑子循环周期 sunspot cycle
- 现金循环周期比率 cash cycle ratios
- 现金循环周期时间 cash cycle times
- 心血管循环周期 cardiovascular cycle
- 经济循环的天体理论 astronomical theory of business cycle