Insights into psychological notion in theory of reflection 反映论心理本质观的几点思考
Recognition of the active theory of reflection 对能动反映论的再认识
Its " methods of thinking or positions are : theories of knowledge and cognition ; determinism ; theories of conformity and reflextion 其思维方式或立场是认识论、知识论;决定论;符合论、反映论。
As key words in many sci - tech research papers are too common to reflect the major ideas of the paper , this article discusses the correct approach to key words indexing 本文指出了目前科技论文关键词标引中存在不能准确反映论文的主题内容、通用词使用偏多、标引深度偏低等问题,提出了关键词正确标引的方法。
Theoretical clarification can be made on the basis of the theory of reflection with the emphasis on inner authenticity and the relations between literature and life and the idea that literature mirrors life 摘要建立在反映论基础上的对文学艺术真实性的理论阐述,著重于内蕴的真实,强调文学与生活的关系,文学是生活的反映。
His symptomatic reading is not only a theoretical support to the critique of mechanical theory that art is the reflection of life , but also provides a new perspective for literary criticism , and thus it is of great methodological significance 阿尔都塞的“症候式阅读”不仅对批驳机械的艺术反映论提供了理论支持,更为文学批评提供了新视角新思维,因而具有了方法论意义。
The traditional epistemology is the pioneer to object to the theory of being and reflectionism , and modern systematology , cybernetics , cranial nerve bionomy and cognitive biology , etc . has set up a solid theoretical scientific foundation for its epistemological assumption 传统的思辩哲学认识论为其反对客观主义的实在论和反映论开道,现代系统论、二阶控制论、脑神经生理学、认知生物学等科学学科为其认识论假设奠定坚实的科学理论基础。