- 反 reverse side
- 旋转 revolve; gyrate; rotate; spi ...
- 反旋转错觉 counter rotatoryillusion; counterrotatory illusion
- 反旋转天线 despun antenna
- 相反旋转 o osite an; opposite span
- 反旋转电动机 despun motor; despunmotor
- 反旋转方向发射 counter-rotational departure
- 眼球反旋转试验 ocular counter-rolling rotation
- 反旋 antidromy; contrarotation; counter-rotate; derotation; despin; kill spin; spin
- 回旋球(使用铁杆正确下击,球成反旋转) back spin
- 反旋卷 deconvolution
- 反旋压 backward spinning
- 发反旋球 reverse twist service
- 反旋弹簧 negater ring; negater spring
- 反旋风的 anticyclonic
- 反旋干涉图 counterrotating figure; cr figure
- 反旋力矩 despin torque
- 反旋式风切 anticyclonic shear
- 反旋天线 despun antenna
- 反旋圆极化 opposite hand circular polarization
- 六重反旋轴 inversion hexad
- 反旋式布拉风 anticyclonic bora
- 反旋式通风机 contra rotating fan
- 旋转 revolve; gyrate; rotate; spin ; revolution; revolvement; rotation; circumgyration; circulation 逆时针方向旋转 counterclockwise rotation; 地球围绕太阳旋转。 the earth revolves round the sun. 陀螺在旋转。 the top is spinning.; 旋转臂 [航空] whirling arm; 旋转餐厅 revolving restaurant; 旋转犁 one-way plough; rotary plough; 旋转门 [建筑] revolution door; 旋转球 apinning ball (乒乓); 旋转塔式起重机 rotary tower crane; 旋转天线 rotable antenna; rotary antenna
- 正反旋回沉积作用 cyclic reciprocal sedimentation; cyclic-reciprocal sedimentation