- 反对 oppose; be opposed to; objec ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 声 sound; voice
- 刺耳的叫声 piercing cry
- 粗厉的叫声 loud harsh sound
- 动物的叫声 soundfrominsectsandanimals
- 唬唬的叫声 hooting
- 火鸡的叫声 gobble
- 尖利的叫声 a shrill cry
- 惊恐的叫声 a cry of terror
- 咯咯的叫声 squawk
- 快活的叫声 chirpy chirpy cheecheep
- 猎犬的叫声 hound voice
- 驴的叫声 hee-haw
- 猫的叫声 miaowmiaul; miaul
- 鸟、虫的叫声 chirp
- 乌鸦的叫声 caw
- 鸭子的叫声 quack
- 秧鸡的叫声 crake
- 吱吱的叫声 cheep; squeak
- 猪的叫声 oink
- 反对的 32) exceptionable; adversative; adverse; antagonistical; antipathic; averse; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; counteractant; counteractive; deprecatory; discommendable; dissentient; dissident; hostile; negative; opponent; opposed; opposite; oppositional; recalcitrant; remonstrant; unfavourable
- 出租她的叫声 let her cry
- 短而尖的叫声 tf:p tf
- 猫头鹰的叫声 whoop
- The hall resounded with cries of dissent