- 反 reverse side
- 协同 coordination; teamwork; syne ...
- 反协同现象 antisynergism
- 反协同效应 antagonistic effect; antisynergism; negative synergism
- 协同 coordination; teamwork; synergism; work in coordination with; cooperate with 协同工作 teamwork; associate; 协同作战 fight in coordination; coordinated operation; 陆海空战术协同作战 air-ground tactical cooperation; 协同发射的火力 collective fire; 协同一致的努力 concerted efforts
- 违反协定 in violate of an agreement
- 违反协议 breach of agreement; violation of agreement
- 违反协约 breach of agreement
- 违反协定行为 malpractice
- 违反协议条款 break the terms of agreement
- 负协同 negative cooperativity
- 核协同 nuclear coordination
- 合作,协同 cooperate
- 互助;协同 co-operation
- 协同,配合 synergy
- 协同的 collaborative; combined; cooperative; synergetic; synergic; synergistic
- 协同第 coordinate regulation
- 协同动 eupraxia
- 协同辊 mating roll
- 协同化 collaboratization; coordination; teamwork orientation
- 协同肌 congenerous muscles; synergist muscle; synergistic muscle
- 协同剂 synergists
- 协同论 synergetics
- 协同酶 coordinated enzyme
- 协同器 synergist