- arcuscotangens inverse cotangent
- 反 reverse side
- 三角 triangle; trigonometry; trig ...
- 反三角函数 anti-trigonometric function; inverse trigonometric function
- 反三角缝合针 reverse cutting needle
- 反三角缝合针 外弯割口缝合针 reversecuttingneedle
- 外弯割口缝合针,反三角缝合针 needle with outside cutting edge; triangular points suture
- 举一反三 infer other things from one fact; draw inferences; draw inferences about other cases from one instance; from one sample you may judge of the whole.; just mention one example which serves for the rest; learning by analogy and infer other things from one fact 老师要善于举一反三。 a teacher should be good at drawing inferences about other cases from one instance
- 司提反三世 pope stephen ii
- 反三位一体派 antitrinitarianism
- a三角 a triradius
- 三角 triangle; trigonometry; trigonum (pl. trigona)◇三角板 triangle; deltidium; set-square; 三角背心 halter (女用); 三角测量 [工业] triangulation; trigonometrical survey; 三角鲂 [动物学] triangular bream; 三角枫 [植物学] trident maple; 三角裤 panties; briefs; 三角恋爱 love triangle; 三角贸易 triangular trade; 三角区 trigonum (pl. trigona); septa; 三角铁 [音乐] triangle; angle iron; l-iron (角钢); 三角头巾 babushka
- 反三氟甲基苯胺 bis trifluoro methyl aniline
- 反三氧化二物结构 antisesquioxide structure
- 举一反三, 类比学习法 learning by analogy
- 举一反三,触类旁通 single out one thing and bring out its bearingsThis single item will suffice to typify all the rest.
- 举一反三触类旁通 this single item will suffice to typify all the rest
- 秀才造反三年不成 like genteel scholars trying to start a rebellion
- 老师要善于举一反三 a teacher should be good at drawing inferences about other cases from one instance
- 美国全国反三K党联合组织 u.s. national anti-klan network; u.s. national anti_klan network
- 美国全国反三党联合组织 u.s. national anti klan network
- 全国反三K党联合组织 nakn; national anti-klan network
- 全国反三党联合组织 nakn
- 反三碘甲腺原氨酸,反三碘甲状腺原氨酸,反t3 reverse triiodothyronine
- 肛三角,臀三角 anal triangle
- 三角, 三角区 trigone; trigonum