The high - quality experimental teaching with dual - frequency laser interferometer 高测速双频激光干涉仪
Correcting position errors of nc machine guided by mjs two - frequency laser interferometer 高测速双频激光干涉仪及其性能检测
An angle measurement technology besed on laser interferometer an angle measurement technology besed on laser interferometer 发挥双频激光干涉仪功能开出高质量的实验
It can be mounted on the three - coordinate measurement machine or other length measurement machine like interferometer to take measurement 测头不仅可以安装在三坐标测量机上,也可以结合其它的测长仪如双频激光干涉仪进行表面形状测量。
The results show that this method makes it possible to reduce the uncertainty from 20nm to less than 10nm . 5 . the structure of the cantilever flexure hinges is analyzed 试验结果表明,该补偿方法可以较好地修正双频激光干涉仪由于频率泄漏造成的非线性测量误差,使测量不确定度减少二分之一。
Every machine is inspected by the renishaw laser intervervrne instrument which can amend the screw - pitch error , recrse clearance , positioning accuraacy of the machine 每台机器均使用雷尼绍双频激光干涉仪校正,精确的对螺距误差、定位精度、重复定位精度等做出检验补正,以确保机器之动态、静态稳定性及加工精度。
Several main detecting instruments which are used in the detecting work are introduced , such as hp5528a dynamic calibration , high - precision inductance scale micrometer and the cubical glass which has been demarcated 介绍了hp5528a双频激光干涉仪、高精度电感测微仪、标准平晶等检测工作中使用的主要检测仪器。
This thesis describes the research on the development of double - frequency laser interferometer and automatic measuring calibration system of displacement sensor made for chengdu aircraft industrial ( group ) 本学位论文以为成都飞机工业集团公司研制双频激光干涉仪和位移传感器自动检定系统为基础,完成了以下研究工作: 1
Dual frequency laser interferometer is the best precise and longest instrument to measure presently . with its good characteristic , the dual frequency laser interferometer is used in many fields , especially in the precise measurement of the long displacement and dimension 双频激光干涉仪是目前精度最高、量程最大的长度计量仪器,以其良好的性能,在许多场合,特别是在大长度与大位移的精密测量中获得广泛应用。
For the heterodyne interferometer used within the nanometer and sub - nanometer region , the frequency leakages due to the imperfect optical elements and the thermal non - linearity drift restrict its uncertainty to about 20nm . a more comprehensive theoretic analysis for this non - linearity of heterodyne interferometer is given 从理论上研究了双频激光干涉仪非线性误差产生的原因;分析了直流偏量、等幅性偏差、正交误差对比相法相位测量结果的影响; 4