- 双股 two-ply; bifilar
- 交换 exchange; swap; interchange; ...
- 三股交换 three-strand exchange
- 四股交换 four-strand exchange
- 双股 two-ply; bifilar◇双股导线 twin conductor; 双股电缆 [电工] paired cable; 双股副线圈 bifilar secondary; 双股核糖核酸 double stranded rna; 双股绞合 twinning; 双股聚合物 double-strand polymer; 双股绢丝 assemble; 双股绝缘电线 ripcord; 双股软线 [电工] twin flexible cord; 双股生丝粗线 fringe silk; 双股绳索 knittles; 双股四芯电缆 multiple twin quad; 双股线 twin wire; 双股油麻绳 marline
- 零股交易 odd lots orders of to shares
- 债换股交易 debt equity swap
- 双股簿 double-stranded viruses
- 双股的 bifilar; double strand; double wound; double-stranded; doublewound; twinning; two-ply
- 双股箭 cordateleaf ainsliaea root
- 双股链 double-stranded chain
- 双股线 double twine; twin wire; twin-cord; two-fold yarns; two-ply yarn
- 双股性 bifilarity
- 双链,双股,双链的,双股的 double-stranded
- 仿双股花纱 mock yarn
- 混合双股线 cop-and-cop doubled yarn
- 平衡双股线 balanced pair
- 双股dna病毒 dna virus
- 双股巴里纱 full voile
- 双股冰川 twinned glacier
- 双股导线 twin conductor
- 双股的, 双线的 bifilar
- 双股的,双绕的 double-wound
- 双股电缆 duplex cable; pair cable; paired cable
- 双股副线圈 bifilar secondary