

  • representatives from both sides represent



  • 例句与用法
  • Information : shunpanro hotel , shimonoseki , japan , the place of signing the treaty of shimonoseki between qing and japan at 17 april 1895
    中文说明: 1895年4月17日,中日双方代表在日本下关的春帆楼展开和谈。
  • This contract is in , effective since being signed / sealed by both parties ( this contract is not effective without beingsealed by the buyers )
    本合同共份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效(未加盖买方合同章,本合同无效) 。
  • This contract is in , effective since being signed / sealed by both parties ( this contract is not effective without beingsealed by the buyers )
    本合同共份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效(未加盖买方合同章,本合同无效) 。
  • Reviewing the achievements made through co - operation in controlling and preventing acute infectious diseases , the two sides reaffirmed the joint efforts and accomplishments made through timely notification
  • The negotiators inked an accord 25 minutes before george bush lost the right to send congress new trade deals under the fast - track rules that limit lawmakers ' ability to amend them
  • On arrival at the site , the designated general representative shall liaise closely with buyer ' s representative and the representatives of both parties shall agree a working schedule for the provision of services by the advisors for the expected period of their attendance
  • Secretary for housing , planning and lands , mr michael suen fourth from right , director of guangdong provincial department of construction , mr lao yingxun second from right and representatives of both sides of the expert group visited the landing point of the hong kong - zhuhai - macao bridge in zhuhai
    房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬右四广东省建设厅厅长劳应勋右二及专责小组双方代表参观港珠澳大桥珠海落脚点。 15 . 12 . 2005
  • In case the equipment supplied includes also steel deliveries , then the above mentioned procedure does not apply for these steel deliveries and the final acceptance certificate shall be signed by the representative of both parties within 3 ( three ) days after arrival of the steel deliveries in china
    如果设备中包含钢材的交付,那么以上提及的程序将不适用钢材的交付,并且双方代表应在钢材交付的3 (叁)天之内签署《最终用户说明》 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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