- 双手 both hands
- 反 reverse side
- 投篮 shoot; shoot at the basket; ...
- 双手反绑 tie sb.'s hands behind his back; tie sb.'s hands on the back
- 双手反手击球 double-handed backhand
- 双手投篮 two-hand shot
- 双手头上投篮 two-hand overhead shot
- 双手头上原地投篮 two-hand overhead set shot
- 投篮 [体育] shoot; shoot at the basket; shot 投篮不中 miss a shot; miss the basket; 投篮得分 shoot a basket; 近距离投篮 close-in shot; 单手投篮 one-hand shot; 单手头上投篮 one-hand overhead shot; 定位投篮 set shot; stop shot; 勾手投篮 hook shot; 远距离投篮 long shot; 转身投篮 pivot shot; 转身勾手投篮 back- up shot; 跳起投篮 jump up and shoot
- 反投机 counte-rspeculation; counter speculation
- 反投影 b back projection; bback projection
- 双手 both hands 用自己的双手 with one's own hands; 双手操作 bimanualness; 双手动作 double-handed exercise
- 反投奔系数 coefficient of reflection
- 反投机的 antispeculation
- 反投射运算 back projection operation
- 反手反攻 backhand counterattack
- 正手反攻 forehand counter attack; forehand counter-attack
- 左右手反接 limb lead reversal
- 反投影, 向后投影 back projection
- 单手反手击球 forehand swings
- 快上,投篮! Go ahead. Quick! Shoot! appear on the stageenter
- 投篮点 shooting spot
- 投篮球 (basketball) vrar
- 投篮手 shooter
- 单双手 type