- 双手 both hands
- 协同 coordination; teamwork; syne ...
- 运动 arrange things or get things ...
- 协同运动 cooperative motion; synergic movement; synergy movement
- 协同运动不能 asynergia
- 两眼协同运动中枢 conjugate movement center of eyes
- 偏侧协同运动不能 hemiasynergia
- 双手协调 two hands coordination
- 协同运输 contransport; cotransport
- 协同运送 cotransport
- 协同运行 coordinated operation
- 协同运作 collaboration
- 双手协调测定器 tester for two hands-working together
- 双手协调测试器 tester for two hands-working together
- 共同运动 associated movement; synkinesis
- 共同运动场 common run
- 双手协调测定器,双手协调测试器 tester for two hands-working together
- 双眼共同运动 binocular synergy
- 车床式双手协调测验 lathe-type two hand coordination test
- 双手镜像运动 bauman's sign
- 不能和同窝雏鸭一同运动 inability to move with the brood
- 双手 both hands 用自己的双手 with one's own hands; 双手操作 bimanualness; 双手动作 double-handed exercise
- 协同 coordination; teamwork; synergism; work in coordination with; cooperate with 协同工作 teamwork; associate; 协同作战 fight in coordination; coordinated operation; 陆海空战术协同作战 air-ground tactical cooperation; 协同发射的火力 collective fire; 协同一致的努力 concerted efforts
- 进行性运动协同不能, 脊髓痨 progressive locomotor asynergy
- 空手协会 jka