

  • disymmetry
    ◇双对称面 disymmetric face; 双对称色散 disymmetric dispersion



  • 例句与用法
  • One kind of inverse problem for the bisymmetric matrices
  • Bisymmetric nonnegative definite solution of matrix equations atx
  • Inverse problem for general bisymmetric matrices
  • Least square solutions of matrix equation axb
  • The generalized bisymmetric solution and generalized anti - bisymmetric solution of
  • D . x . xie , l . zhang and x . y . hu , least - square solutions of inverse eigenvalue probem of bisymmetric matrices , math . numer sinica , 1 ( 1999 ) 62 - 72
    廖安平,谢冬秀,双对称非负定矩阵一类逆特征值问题的最小二乘解,计算数学, 23 : 2 ( 2001 ) 209 - 218
  • This ph . d . thesis - firstly considers the real asymmetric , real symmetric , bisym - metric , and symmetric and skew antisymmetric matrix extension problems constrained by the matrix inverse problem ax = b . and also considers , in the solution set , of the corresponding matrix extension problems , the optimal approximation solution to a given matrix a * . the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the expressions for the above problems are derived , and the numerical algorithm and examples to solve the problems are also given
    首次提出并讨论了矩阵反问题ax = b约束下实矩阵、实对称矩阵、双对称矩阵和对称次反对称矩阵的扩充问题,讨论了在其解集合中与给定矩阵a ~ *的最佳逼近问题,得到了问题的解存在的条件及通式的表示,给出求解问题的数值算法和数值例子。
  • In this thesis , we study some open problems and conjectures about the linear complementarity problem . it consists of the next three aspects : firstly , we study murthys " open problem whether the augmented matrix is a q0 - matrix for an arbitary square matrix a , provide an affirmable answer to this problem , obtain the augmented matrix of a sufficient matrix is a sufficient matrix and prove the graves algorithm can be used to solve linear complementarity problem with bisymmetry po - matrices ; secondly , we study murthys " conjecture about positive semidefinite matrices and provide some sufficient conditions such that a matrix is a positive semidefinite matrix , we also study pang ' s conjecture , obtain two conditions when r0 - matrices and q - matrices are equivelent and some properties about e0 q - matrices ; lastly , we give a counterexample to prove danao ' s conjecture that if a is a po - matrix , a e " a p1 * is false , point out some mistakes of murthys in [ 20 ] , obtain when n = 2 or 3 , a e " a p1 * , i . e . the condition of theorem 3 . 2 of [ 25 ] that a p0 can be deleted and obtain a e " a is an almost e - matrix if a is a co - matrix or column sufficient matrix
    本文分为三个部分,主要研究了线性互补问题的几个相关的公开问题以及猜想: ( 1 )研究了murthy等在[ 2 ]中提出的公开问题,即对任意的矩阵a ,其扩充矩阵是否为q _ 0 -矩阵,给出了肯定的回答,得到充分矩阵的扩充矩阵是充分矩阵,并讨论了graves算法,证明了若a是双对称的p _ 0 -矩阵时, lcp ( q , a )可由graves算法给出; ( 2 )研究了murthy等在[ 6 ]中提出关于半正定矩阵的猜想,给出了半正定矩阵的一些充分条件,并研究了pang ~ -猜想,得到了只r _ 0 -矩阵与q -矩阵的二个等价条件,以及e _ 0 q -矩阵的一些性质; ( 3 )研究了danao在[ 25 ]中提出的danao猜想,即,若a为p _ 0 -矩阵,则,我们给出了反例证明了此猜想当n 4时不成立,指出了murthy等在[ 20 ]中的一些错误,得到n = 2 , 3时,即[ 25 ]中定理3 . 2中a p _ 0的条件可以去掉。
  • Based on the properties of bisymmetric matrices , a class of constrained inverse eigenproblem and associated approximation problem for bisymmetric matrices were essentially decomposed into the same kind of subproblems for real symmetric matrices with smaller dimensions , and the solutions of the two problems were obtained by applying the conclusions of real symmetric matrices
  • 推荐英语阅读
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