She passed over the constellation of the twins, and was now nearing the half-way point between the horizon and the zenith . 这时候,它正在穿过双子座,已经走到了地平线和天顶中间的地方。
Those people have quick minds and inventiveness 双子座的人思维敏捷,有创造力。
Don ' t make promises you probably won ' t keep 双子座:不要承诺自己做不到的事情。
Get rich quick schemes will not be successful 双子座:一夜暴富的计划不会现实。
You need to spend some time pampering yourself 本月双子座需要时间放纵一下自己。
Catch up on your reading and correspondence 双子座:弥补一些阅读和书信往来。
Mingle with those who can further your goals 双子座:和那些能帮助你实现目标的一起。
7 geminis are of two minds about practically everything 双子座的人做事往往三心二意。
Dead end projects could plague you 双子座:无法继续的计划很是让你烦恼。
Gemini grabs both turkey wings for themselves 双子座独霸了两个鸡翅。