

  • bistatic radar
    ◇双基地雷达距离方程式 bistatic radar range equation; 双基地雷达网 bistatic radar fence



  • 例句与用法
  • It is expected that this scheme can realize the time synchronization , frequency synchronization and phase synchronization of the bistatic radar system effectively
  • Bistatic wind fields synthesis equations are analysed and i educes target location equation in receiver including conversion from ground reference frame to one defined by us
  • My paper introduces reference frame of bistatic doppler weather radar , basic geometry connection and the equation of bistatic doppler radar from the theory of bistatic doppler weather radar
  • The error of each technology and revising of the error also are topics of focus . in the last section , the author presents a technical scheme of time and phase synchronization based on gps . furthermore , the maintenance of synchronization is discussed
  • This field is very important because the synchronization degree will influence the operation of the radar system heavily . in this paper , the fundamental theory of bistatic radar system and the problems it faced is introduced . at the same time , the transmission technologies of time and frequency signal are discussed and the advantages and disadvantages of each technology is analyzed too
  • Then on one hand , author makes researches of anti - jamming against pulse jamming 、 gauss white noise jamming and radio frequency noise jamming from the side of signal processing . author exercises much signal processing knowledge of time - domain sliding window accumulation 、 wavelet analysis 、 time - frequency analysis and linear prediction and carries out many simulation experiments . on the other hand , author proposes the anti - jamming methods of using a sar similar to double - base radar and modulating the amplitude 、 the phase of emission signal and changing the frequency modulation slope from the side of changing sar system model
  • The theoretical basis of bistatic radar system is introduced in second part . chapter 3 discusses the time base and frequency base , as well as the measure methods of time and frequency . the traditional transmission technology of time and frequency signal is analyzed in chapter 4
  • Also it can effectively solve the main " four - threat " of single radar system . however , there ' s some problems must to be resolved , such as time synchronization , space and phase synchronization , signal processing , and clutter constricting , etc . this thesis concentrates on the time synchronization and phase synchronization of bistatic radar system
  • Some valuable conclusions are summarized by theoretical analysis and simulation experiments : from the side of signal processing , pulse jamming can be deleted by the method of time - domain sliding window accumulation and can be restored by interpolative prediction . ; gauss white nose can be attenuated while jamming disperse point - target by the method of time - frequency analysis in time - frequency domain . ; radio frequency noise jamming can be deleted by the method of average range frequency spectrum and notching in frequency domain
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