The affects of slowness changes in serious hole collapse interval are not ignored 所以,在扩径段双发双收声系记录的时差数据有时需要进行扩径校正。
For the third man : his pale feet stick out of the water by the bank with his head in the mire 一双发青的死者的脚从湖边伸出来,头插在岸边的泥泞中。
The affects of slowness changes on hole diameter opposite a receiver could not be compensated completely 计算结果表明,双发双收声系对扩径影响的补偿不彻底。
The compensated ability varies with the difference of bed slowness and changes of hole diameter 随着地层时差的不同和扩径量的不同,双发双收声系的补偿能力也不同。
Then a real - time quasi - steady turboshaft twin - engined model is founded by simulating the rotor speed fluctuation 为模拟大负载情况下旋翼转速的波动,建立了双发准定常涡轮轴发动机实时仿真模型。
When interval of hole collapse does not change , the bigger change in hole diameter , the more poor the compensated ability 在沿井轴方向扩径段厚度一定的前提下,垂直于井轴方向的扩径量越大,双发双收声系的补偿效果越差。
It will initially build under licence diamond ' s da40 single - engine planes , and later its twin - engine da42 , both of which are used to train pilots 该公司目前拿到的是钻石单发机型的制造许可证,后期会再生产双发da42 ,两种飞机都用于飞行员训练。
The first set ebbed and flowed with sun and zimonjic getting the first break in the fourth game , only to be broken themselves in consecutive service games 第一盘比赛争夺激烈,孙甜甜和泽蒙季奇在第4局拿到首个破发点,并依靠对方双发失误率先破发成功。
Shouldering their bags they trudged , the red egyptians . his blued feet out of turnedup trousers slapped the clammy sand , a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck 男的挽起裤腿,一双发青的脚噼喳叭喳踩在冰冷黏糊糊的沙滩上,他那胡子拉碴的脖颈上是灰暗的砖色围巾。