This thesis is to study the taxation ' s infection on financing of listed companies in china . firstly , the thesis concisely reviews the theories and empirical analysis on financing . with the tool of game theory , the thesis proves that a company can gain the best financing structure by tax planning 本文首先对融资结构的相关理论和国内外对企业融资行为的实证分析成果进行介绍,利用经济博弈论的工具对融资过程中企业和政府双方就企业的税收筹划行为所展开的双人博弈进行分析,从企业税收筹划的角度出发证明企业最佳融资结构的存在。
In addition , the financing of smes is regarded as games between smes and banks , smes and investors according to game theory in the paper . the paper builds two dynamic games . based on the equilibrium analyses , the paper finds out some crucial reasons that cause the difficulty of smes " financing in sichuan and puts forward some suggestions 另外,本文运用经济博弈论有关知识,将中小企业融资活动看作中小企业与银行、中小企业与投资者之间的双人博弈问题,建立两个动态博弈模型,在均衡分析的基础上,找出四川中小企业融资难的原因,并提出建议。