fork; prong 短语和例子
粪叉子 dung fork
He said, and forked up a bacon . 他说着,用叉子 叉了一块咸肉。 A salad is eaten with a fork only . 色拉只准用叉子 吃。 Where are the forks to go ?叉子 放在哪里? "mere! give me your fork, mum, and take the baby," said flopson . 芙洛普森说:“喂!夫人,把你的叉子 交给我,小宝宝给你。” The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning . 波涛汹涌如山,闪电象一把叉子 似地划破了漆黑的云层。 The hostess stopped, with a fork in her hand, as eliza's sweet and plaintive voice arrested her . 当老板娘听到伊丽萨温柔而凄凉的话音时站住了,手里拿着叉子 。 Jelly, pickles, and sometimes peanuts, are taken with a spoon or fork provided for the purpose . 果酱,泡菜,有时还有花生米都是用事先准备好勺子或叉子 摄取的 The rooms were excessively bare and disorderly, and the curtain to my window was fastened up with a fork . 这两间屋子没有什么家具,凌乱不堪,我房间那扇窗户的帘子是系在一把叉子 上的。 In the cork workshop , the workers fork the pork 在软木车间,工人们用叉子 叉猪肉 What has a mouth and a fork but never eats 什麽东西有嘴巴有叉子 却从来不吃东西
叉子的法语 :fourchette叉子的日语 :(1)フォーク.『量』把,个. 用叉子叉肉/フォークで肉をさす. (2)フォーク状のもの. 鱼叉子/魚を刺してとらえる漁具.やす.叉子的韩语 :[명사] (1)양식용 포크. 肉ròu叉子; 양식용 포크 小叉子; 과자용 포크 →[餐cān刀] (2)농업용 갈고랑이. [수확용 또는 퇴비를 다룰 때 씀] 千qiān草叉子; 긴 자루의 세갈고랑이 (3)부인의 머리에 꽂는 핀의 일종. (4)자전거 앞바퀴를 버티게 하는 두 개의 지주(支住).叉子的俄语 :[chāzi] вилка叉子什么意思 :chā zi 小叉。