比如 for example; for instance; such as; suppose; say 有些课程, 比如数学、物理和英语, 本系学生都是必修的。 some subjects, such as mathematics, physics and english, are compulsory for the students in this department
I begun modelling the nose , place every vertex one by one in the right place , cut some polygons , edges , extrude , etc 又比如我在建鼻子部分时,就是得在右视图中一个顶点一个顶点去调整的,当然还是得通过切面,挤边等基本的技巧。
But be prepared to read how i make parallels from childhood experience with most of the recently popular themes for postings , such as methodologies or certification values 但请注意我是怎样拿童年经历来比照最近帖的大多数比较流行的话题,比如测试思路又比如认证的价值。
Still another example is the question of the working class and semi - working class leading the revolution , the term is nor proper , of course , but this is not a question concerning the nature of the party , though the rumors i heard were quite to the contrary 又比如对于工人阶级半工人阶级领导革命的问题,在提法上当然是不妥当的,可是这里并没有涉及党的性质问题,但是我听到的流言就不是这样的。
From now on , we should make a ci vil code for the benefit of social life and law study . the last but not the least important part is a little suggestion to the formulationn of right of personality in the draft of china ' s civil code 但是,还存在一些i ’ 4题,比如在人格权的一般规定里,应该有人格权保护的基本原则,例如禁止滥用人格权原则,以确立民法的基本立场;又比如,没有纳入具体人格权保护的人格利益应当放在一般人格利益中保护。