The two children have become friends again . 这两个孩子又好了。
It is both good and cheap . 它又便宜又好,它价廉物美。
That's why a candy bar is a good source of quick energy . 这就是为什么糖块是又快又好的能量来源。
Had the impulsive and desperate girl spoken out to letitia to the fullest ? 是不是那个容易冲动又好走极端的姑娘把一切都告诉了利蒂霞?
Between useful occupation and the pleasures of society, the next eighteen or twenty years of his life passed cheerfully away . 近二十年来他经商能赚钱,人缘又好,过得还算快活。
Frankness and kindness like amelia's were likely to touch ever such a hardened little reprobate as becky . 爱米丽亚待人既诚恳、又好,所以连蓓基这样无情无义、自甘堕落的人也觉得感动。
The venerable cook of the college is one of the best artists in oxbridge, and the wine in the fellows' room has long been famed for its excellence and abundance . 学院的大厨师是牛桥最杰出的烹饪师之一,研究员食堂的酒又多又好,早已驰名遐迩。
The beautiful and nice women are general stupid 又漂亮又好的女人一般都很愚蠢。
The beautiful , nice and clver women are married 又好又漂亮又聪明的女人都结婚了。
The beautiful , nice and clever women are married 又漂亮又好又聪明的女人都结婚了