- 议长 speaker; president
- 参议院议长 presidend of senate; president of house of councillors; president of senate; president of the senate; senate president; speaker of seanad eireann; speaker of senate
- 代表院议长 president of chamber of representatives
- 第二院议长 president of the second chamber
- 第一院议长 president of the first chamber
- 国民院议长 president of national council
- 联邦院议长 chairman of council of states; chairman of rajya sabha; president of council of states
- 人民院议长 speaker of house of the people; speaker of lok sabha
- 上议院议长 lord high chancellor of upper house; lord speaker
- 上院议长 president of lagting; president of upper house; speaker of upper house
- 枢密院议长 lord president of the council
- 下议院议长 fist commoner; lower house speaker; speaker
- 下院议长 president of lower house; president of odelsting; speaker of lower house
- 议院议长 leader of the house
- 众议院议长 president of chamber of deputies; president of chamber of representatives; president of the congress of deputies; president of the house; speaker of dail eireann; speaker of house of representatives; speaker of house representatives; speaker of national parliament; speaker of representatives; speaker of the house of representarives; speaker of the house of representatives
- 联邦议院议长 president of federal assembly
- 人民议院议长 president of people's assembly
- 联邦参议院议长 federal council president; president of federal council; president of federal senate
- 美国众议院议长 speaker of the united states house of representatives
- 人民代表院议长 prisident of the house
- 众院议长哈斯特 dennis hastert
- 众院议长海斯特 dennis hastert
- 众院议长纽耐思 fabian nunez
- 爱尔兰国会下议院议长 ceann comhairle of dáil éireann
- 加拿大国会下议院议长 speaker of the canadian house of commons