- 参议院 Senate
- 公报 communiqué; bulletin
- 法兰西公报(参议院辩论版) journal officiel de la republique franciase; edition des debatsde l'assemblee nationale
- 参议院 senate
- 参议院的 senatorial
- 参议院领袖 leader of the senate
- 参议院议长 presidend of senate; president of house of councillors; president of senate; president of the senate; senate president; speaker of seanad eireann; speaker of senate
- 参议院议厅 senate house
- 法国参议院 sénat
- 军事参议院 council of war; military counsellors' office
- 联邦参议院 bundesrat der; federal council; federal senate
- 美国参议院 united states senate
- 日本参议院 house of councillors
- 上院,参议院。 upper house
- 向参议院 senate
- 主持参议院 presides over the senate
- 参议院和众议院 out of the senate and the house of representatives
- 议院公文, 国会文件 parliamentary papers
- 参议院副议长 deputy president of senate; vice president of senate; vice-president of house of councillors; vice-president of senate
- 参议院委员会 a senate committee decision
- 加拿大参议院 senate of canada
- 最高人民法院公报 gazette of the supreme people's court
- 〔美国〕(参议院的)秘密会议。 executive session
- 参议院, 立法机构, 评议会 senate
- 参议院规则和行政委员会 rules and administration committee of the senate; senate rules and administration committee
- 参议院多数党领袖 majority leader of the senate; senate majority leader