- 参看 see; cf.
- 清澈 limpid; clear; limpidity
- 参看 1.(参见) see (also); cf.: 参看下面注释 see note below; 参看第二十页 (动词句型 13)。 see page 20 (verb pattern 13).2.(查阅) consult 他参看了不少有关书刊。 he consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.3.(参考) refer to; read sth. for reference 学习时事可以参看这篇文章。 in studying current affairs you might read this article for reference
- 清澈 limpid; clear; limpidity 清澈的声音 a clear voice; 清澈的溪流 a lucid stream; 清澈的湖水 clear water of a lake; 似池水般清澈的眼睛 eyes like limpid pools; 清澈透明 as clear as crystal
- 又参看 munslow deconstructing history
- 清澈的 clear; crystal/limpid; fair; lucid; serene; translucent; transparent
- 清澈地 limpidly; pellucidly
- 清澈度 limpidity
- 清澈剑 dusk sword
- 清澈性 clarity
- 使清澈 she made every effort to clear her point of view
- (拉订参看,请看 vid vide (see)
- 参看“分频频率” crossover frequency
- 参看下文 see infra
- 互相参看 cross reference to
- 拉订参看 vid vide
- 请参看原文 refer to the original please
- 显著的参看 tamineous
- 明朗,清澈,透明 lucidity
- 清澈的湖水 clear water of a lake
- 清澈的蓝天 a clear blue sky
- 清澈的声音 a clear voice
- 清澈的溪流 a lucid stream
- 清澈海洋 sea of clarity
- 清澈见底 (the water) is so clear that you can see (to) the bottom