- 参加 join; attend; take part in; ...
- 审计 audit
- 附加审计标准 additional auditing standards
- 附加审计程序 additional auditing procedure
- 拉加审计组织 olacefs
- 哥斯达黎加审计长公署 office of the auditor general of rica
- 以……成员身分在……聆讯中参加审讯 sit as a member of . . . on the hearing of
- 参加 1.(加入) join; attend; take part in; participate in; go in for; partake in [of] sth. with sb.; have hand in; enter into 参加讨论 participate in the discussion; 参加会议 attend a meeting; 参加党 join the party; 积极参加文娱活动 take an active part in recreational activities; 我们班上大多数学生参加各项科学活动。 most students in our class go in for scientific activities.2.(提出意见) give (advice, suggestion, etc.) 这件事你也来参加点意见吧。 come and give us your view on the matter, won't you?; 参加管理[经营] management participation; 参加者 attendance
- 审计 audit◇审计报告 audit report; 审计部门 department responsible for auditing; 审计机关 auditing body [agency]; 审计委员会 board of auditors; 审计员 comptoller; auditor; 审计长 chief auditor; auditor-general; 审计证明书 certificate of auditing; 审计制度 auditing system
- 审计,审计学 auditing
- 审计员,审计师 auditor
- 帮忙, 参加 give a hand in; lend a hand in
- 不参加 default; drop out; nonparticipator; opt out; opt-out
- 参加, 参与 be in at; come in on; come in upon; in on
- 参加, 插手 get into the act
- 参加, 加入 come in on sth; join in
- 参加, 争吵 take up a quarrel
- 参加,参于 take part in; takepart(in)
- 参加,参与 in sth
- 参加,接合 join
- 参加(四级) d.participation
- 参加,爱好 go in for
- 参加,出席 to attend
- 参加,加入 join in; join verb
- 参加,就读 attend