- 参加 join; attend; take part in; ...
- 分配 distribution; allocation; as ...
- 已分配股利 less: dividends declared
- 待分配股票股利 stock dividends to be distributed
- 参加分红优先股股利 participating-dividend preference
- 可供分配股利的利润 profit available for dividend
- 优先分配股利的股份 stock preferred as to dividends
- 分配;配股 allotment
- 分配股利、利润或偿还利息支付的现金 payment for dividend and interest
- 分配股份 to allocate shares
- 可分配股息 distributable dividends
- 累加分配器 accumlation distribution unit; accumulation distribution unit
- 宣布分配股息 declaraction of dividend; declaration of dividend
- 参加分红的优先股 profit participating preferred stock
- 参加分红优先股 participating preferred stock
- 股利分配率 dividend payout ration
- 派发股份 分配股份 allotmentofshares
- 参加分会会务委员会会议 attend club executive committee meeting
- 加分 add some marks; awarded marks; bon point; bonu oint; bonus point; bp; buck; deduction of points
- 配股 allotment of shares, rationed shares; allotment of shares;rationed shares; allotment shares; rights issue/offering; stock dividend
- 股利 capital bonus; dividends; stock dividend
- 利润分配-应付优先股股利 profit
- 叠加分 superposition integral
- 附加分 extra
- 加分路 across; bypass