have a finger in the pie; have a hand in it; be involved in sth.; be a party to sth.; [口语] be [have; take] art and part in sth.: 你可以肯定李英是参与其事的。 you may be sure that li ying has a finger in the pie
确有其事 this is the case.; it actually [really] happened.; there is really such a thing
They join because they care . 他们参与其事是出于关心。
You may be sure that li ying has a finger in the pie . 你可以肯定李英是参与其事的。
Wemmick pervaded it throughout, but never appeared in it . 文米克自始至终参与其事,可从来没有出过面。
We need to work hand - in - hand with the private sector 在采取民事与刑事司法行动上,司法部也参与其事。
Like all other achievements before it , this will surely be one we shall remember for a long time to come 一如部门以往的成就,我们将永志难忘曾参与其事。
Like all other achievements before it , this will surely be one we shall remember for a long time to come 一如部门以往的成就,我们将永志难忘曾参与其事。
The ura , relevant policy bureaux and government departments concerned will also be involved at an early stage 市区重建局、相关政策局及部门应在早期阶段便参与其事。
In our never - ending war with health hazards , it is important for all health protection agencies to work as partners 我们全力对抗危害健康的因素,而在这场永不止息的战争中,所有?生防护机构都要同心协力,参与其事。
Shek hwei and her husband fu che also took active part in the anti - british movement and were arrested on july 15 , 1967 and jailed for over a year 在那天翻地覆的岁月里,有人情绪激昂,裘萍便在一次访问中坦然承认当时参与其事的投入