- 厥 faint; lose consciousness; f ...
- 阴 yin,the feminine or negative ...
- 阴厥 mania induced by sudden emotional upset
- 厥阴 jueyin meridian
- 少阴厥 shaoyin syncope
- 太阴厥 taiyin syncope
- 厥阴病 厥阴病 jueyindisease
- 厥阴病 jueyin disease
- 厥阴经 the jueyin channel
- 厥阴痉 jueyin convulsions
- 厥阴俞 bl 14
- 厥阴头痛 厥阴头痛 jueyinheadache
- 手厥阴标本 beginning and ending of pericardium meridian
- 手厥阴经病 disease of pericardium meridian
- 手厥阴经筋 musculature of pericardium meridian
- 足厥阴肝经 liver channel of foot jueyin(liv); liver meridian; meridian of foot jueyin; the foot reerting yin lier channel; l (who); the liver channel of foot-jueyin
- 足厥阴经病 disease of liver meridian
- 足厥阴经筋 liver muscle channel; musculature of liver meridian
- 足厥阴络脉 liver collateral
- 足厥阴心痛 foot-jueyin stomachache
- 厥阴病证 jueyin syndrome
- 厥阴寒证 jueyin cold syndrome
- 厥阴寒厥证 cold syndrome of jueyin
- 厥阴蛔厥证 syndrome with cold limbs and colic due to ascaris of jueyin
- 厥阴热证 jueyin pyretic syndrome