The writing of formulas with elements and radicals that have a fixed valence is easy, if a knowledge of electrostatics is applied . 运用静电学知识写出具有固定化合价的元素和原子团组成的物质的分子式比较容易。
Influence of the many - body interaction on cluster phase transition 原子团簇相变特性的影响
Tests of cell attachment gave interesting results 首次做了选择一种原子团作为注入离子的尝试。
Resonance scattering spectroscopic study of silver atomic clusters 银原子团簇的共振散射光谱研究
A study on the intensity function of scattering light for au clusters in liquid 金原子团簇的共振散射光强度函数研究
Objective : searching for new method of synthesizing macroscopic quantities compounds of cluster 摘要寻找合成宏量原子团簇的新方法。
A reaction in which an atom , a radical , or a molecule replaces another in a compound 置换化合物中一个原子、原子团或分子代替另一个的反应
Most of the calculations are performed by using discrete variational cluster approach within local density approximation 大部分计算采用局域密度近似下的离散变分原子团模型。
( free radical are a highly reactive group of atoms , molecules or radicals , which carry unpaired electron in outer orbital 外层轨道上有单个不配对价电子的原子、原子团或分子。
The third position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted 第三位在有机分子中从一指定碳原子后第三个位置,在此一个原子或原子团可能被替代