- 原原本本 give chapter and verse for; ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 真理 truth
- 原原本本的 untouched
- 原原本本的事实 naked truth
- 原原本本 give chapter and verse for; as exact as it is; exactly as it is; from first to last; find out all the details; from the very beginning to the end; (to tell) in detail from the very beginning; tell the real story; the whole story 我把这件事原原本本讲给他们听了。 i told them the whole story exactly as it happened.; i told them everything down to the smallest detail
- 我把这件事原原本本讲给他们听了 i told them the whole story exactly as it happened
- 注明引证的出处, 指明确切的依据, 原原本本 cite chapter and verse for; have chapter and verse for
- 原本的 original
- 存在的真理 die wahrheit des seins
- 党的真理报 namyn unen
- 经验的真理 aposterior truth
- 裸露的真理 jender ie the heart
- 我们的真理 nase pravda
- 先天的真理 apriori truth
- 永恒的真理 eternal truth
- 终极的真理 ultimate truth
- 初始的,原本的,正本 original
- 接受原本的你 accepts you as you are
- 原本的分租人 original under-lessor
- 自然界的真理 natural truths
- 恢复原本的样貌 demorph
- 原本的分租租契 original under-lease
- 原本的感觉,初始知觉 original perception
- 倒数第二的真理 the penultimate truth