- gripping ring
- wedging ring
- 压缩 compress; condense; reduce; ...
- 带橡胶压缩套的压缩式管接头 compression fitting with rubber wedging ring
- 热缩套 thermal shrinkable sleeve
- 可伸缩套管 telescopic tube
- 热收缩套 heat shrink sleeve
- 热收缩套管 sumitube
- 热缩套管 heat-shrink tube; heat-shrinkable t bush; heat-shrinkable tube
- 伸缩套管 boom receptacle; expansion sleeve; reciprocating tube; reciprocation tube; telescope tube; telescopic boom; telescopic duct; telescopic line; telescopic shaft; telescopic tube
- 伸缩套筒 extension sleeve; telescopic cylinders; telescopic sleeve
- 收缩套箍 bands shrink; shrinking packaging technique
- 压缩 compress; condense; reduce; cut down; compression; contraction; compaction; pack; reduction; recompression; hoop (静水压的) 压缩非生产性开支 cut down non-productive expenses; 压缩国内需求 depress [lowering] domestic demand; 压缩机关团体购买力 limiting government institutions' purchase of consumer goods; 压缩不适当进口 reduce inappropriate imports; 压缩一则新闻报道 condense a news story; 压缩比 compression ratio; ratio of compression; 压缩饼干 ship biscuit; pilot bread; hardtack; 压缩成型机 compacting shape machine; 压缩冲程 [机械工程] compression stroke; 压缩处理 compressing; 压缩点火 compressed ignition; [机械工程] compression ignition; 压缩制冷 compression refrigeration; 压缩制冷机 compression refrigerating machine; 压缩作用 compression
- 活塞冷却伸缩套管 reciprocating piston cooling pipe; reciprocation piston cooling pipe
- 空中加油伸缩套管 air refueling boom; fuel-transfer boom; refueling boom
- 伸缩套管操纵杆 boom telescope lever
- 伸缩套管操纵手柄 telescoping lever
- 伸缩套管的操纵 boom steering
- 伸缩套管咀护套 boom-nozzle cover
- 伸缩套管倾斜角 boom angle
- 伸缩套管式天线 telescopic mast
- 伸缩套管式天线杆 colla ible mast; collapsible mast
- 伸缩套管收放机构 boom-retraction mechanism
- 伸缩套筒式给进架 telescopic feed
- 伸缩套筒式千斤顶 telescopic jack
- 外伸的伸缩套管 extended boom
- 空中加油伸缩套管绞车 boom hoist