Through laboratory tests on sandy pebble soil by using the dynamic triaxial test , researches of saturated sandy pebble soil have been done 摘要通过对砂卵石土室内动三轴试验,对饱和砂卵石土的动力特性进行了较为深入地研究。
It was analyzed the rule of the dynamic characters of sandy pebble soil under different confining pressure , consolidation ratio and vibration frequency 主要分析不同围压、不同固结比和不同振动频率对砂卵石土的动荷载影响的变化规律。
In addition , the research also makes it clear that damping ratio markedly rises with the augmentation of dynamic strain , and falls as the enhance of confining pressure or consolidation ratio 同时,砂卵石土的阻尼比具有随动应变增大而增大,随着围压或固结比的增加而减小的变化规律。
The result shows that the dynamic modulus of sandy pebble soil reduces nonlinearly with the accretion of dynamic strain , but increases with consolidation ratio , and affected little by the vibration frequency 试验结果表明,砂卵石土呈现出动弹性模量随动应变的增大而非线性地降低,动荷载频率对动弹性模量影响很小,动弹性模量随着固结比的增大而显著增大的规律。