- free margin of ovary
- margo liber ovarii
- 卵巢 oarium; ovarium; germarium; ...
- 游离 dissociate; drift away
- 缘 reason
- 游离缘 free border
- 独立缘, 游离缘 free margin; margo liber
- 甲游离缘 free margin of nail; margo liber unguis
- 眼睑游离缘 free margin of eyelid
- 指甲游离缘 free edge of nail
- 游离 1.(离开集体或附属的事物而存在) dissociate; drift away 游离在集体之外 sever one's connection with the collective2.[化学] free
- 卵巢 oarium; ovarium; germarium; oophoron; ovary; epoophoron; organ of rosenmüller
- 初游离;原游离 primary ionization
- 摆脱;游离 extrication
- 初游离 initial ionization; ionization, initial
- 单游离 ionization, single
- 低游离 low free tdi prepolymer
- 光游离 photoionization
- 全游离 ionization, total
- 使游离 disengage; isolate; liberate
- 消游离 deionization
- 游离;释出 set free
- 游离氨 dissociated ammonia; free ammonia; unbound ammonia
- 游离瓣 free flap
- 游离壁 free wall
- 游离层 ionized layers; ionized stratum; ionosphere; thermosphere
- 游离氮 free nitrogen