- 印刷 print; printing; printing ou ...
- 作业 school assignment
- 印刷品 printed matter; typophile; b ...
- 印刷术 art of printing; printing
- 印刷作业 press work
- 印刷术 art of printing; printing 中国首先发明印刷术。 公元6世纪下半叶到7世纪上半叶的隋、唐之际, 中国就发明了雕版印刷, 到9世纪, 开始了大规模的雕版印书。北宋庆历年间, 平民毕升发明用胶泥焙烧的活字, 开始了活字印刷。 约在8世纪中叶, 印刷术传到国外。 printing originated in china. in the period between the sui dynasty in the second half of the 6th century and the tang dynasty in the first half of the early 7th century, lithographic printing was invented and, in the 9th century, a large number of books began to be printed by the lithographic process. in the reign of emperor qingli of the northern song dynasty (960 a.d.-1127 a.d.), a common fellow named bi sheng invented printing by movable type and started to use baked clay types for printing. the technology was introduced to other countries in about the mid-8th century
- 印刷型,印刷品 printed form
- 印刷品 booklet; handout; impression; initial; press product; presswork; printed matter; printing; prints
- 苯胺印刷术 aniline printing; flexography
- 彩石印刷术 chromolithography
- 电子印刷术 electron printing
- 雕版印刷术 block printing
- 浮凸印刷术 embossed printing
- 古印刷术 palaeotypography
- 活字印刷术 movable type; typography
- 激光印刷术 laser xerography
- 胶版印刷术 hectography; heliotypy
- 胶牌印刷术 offset lithography
- 静电印刷术 xerography
- 铝版印刷术 aluminography
- 木版印刷术 xylography block printing; xylography,block printing
- 平板印刷术 lithography
- 平版印刷术 offset lithography; planography
- 铅版印刷术 stereotypy
- 石版印刷术 chromolithography; lithorgraphy