- 卧式 horizontal type
- 釜 a kind of cauldron used in a ...
- 卧式 [机械工程] horizontal type◇卧式刨床 horizontal planer; horizontal plane machine; 卧式泵 horizontal pump; 卧式车床 horizontal lathe
- 一次闪蒸管式釜 single-flash pipe still
- 半卧式 reclining posture
- 侧卧式 lateral recumbent posture; recumbent position
- 伏卧式 prone position
- 卧式泵 horizontal pump; low down pump
- 卧式的 horizontal
- 卧式罐 horizontal tank
- 卧式炉 horizontal chamber furnace; horizontal furnace; horizontal-chamber furnace; horizontal-chamber oven
- 卧式窑 horizontal retort
- 卧式甑 horizontal retort
- 仰卧式 supine lying posture; supine posture
- 俯卧式跳高 straddle jump
- 扭脊俯卧式 the spinal twist prostration
- 平卧式座椅 lie-down seat
- 双卧式铣床 doppelwaagerechtfrsmaschine double horizontal milling machine
- 水平的;卧式的 horizontal
- 卧式安装的 horizontally-mounted
- 卧式拌和机 horizontal shaft mixer
- 卧式包带机 horizontal taping machine
- 卧式比长仪 horizontal length comparator
- 卧式比较仪 horizontal comparator
- 卧式布置 horizontal shaft arrangement