Mr. cocks always cut corners in the arrangements that he made . 卡克斯先生所做的安排总是很节俭。
Cockney was his own man and had broad horizons beyond the office . 卡克尼是个独立自主的人,他的眼界十分开阔,超出了办公室的范围。
But when this boy today talked how he had handled a cord first in a bar 但今天,当那个男孩说到他是如何在卡克斯基普兹密斯街的一个酒吧里
You ' ll find a receipt from the photographer in krakowskie przedmiescie street 你可以找到一张收据,是卡克斯基普兹密斯街的一个摄影师开给我的
In 1485 , william caxton , the first english printer , said that this round table was king arthur ' s 1485年,英国第一位印刷业者威廉卡克斯顿,声称这张圆桌就是亚瑟王的圆桌。
Olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity to win gold medals , but karoly takacs " comeback may be the best 然而在这些数不胜数的感人故事中,卡乐里塔卡克斯karoly takacs的归来也许应算是最耐人寻味的。
Roy keane had a high successful passing percentage of 89 % compared to carrick ' s 80 % , one factor affecting this may be carrick ' s inclination to play the long ball more often than keane 罗伊?基恩在传球成功率上非常完美有89 %高于卡克里的% 80 ,因为卡里克的长传多于基恩。
Takacs was part of hungary ' s world - champion pistol - shooting team in 1938 when an army grenade exploded in his right hand . ten years later , he won the first two golds in rapid - fire pistol - after teaching himself to shoot left - handed 在1938年的世界射击锦标赛上,塔卡克斯用右手射击,帮助他所代表的匈牙利国家队赢得了世界射击锦标赛的手枪团体金牌。
" we ask that people use common sense in deciding whether the items are suitable to donate to charity shops or whether they should be recycled elsewhere , " said lekha klouda , the association ' s executive secretary 对此,该联合会的执行秘书莱卡克鲁达表示: “我们请求人们运用生活中的常识来对家中的各种物品做出判断,看看它们到底是适合被捐赠给慈善商店,还是应当送到别处加以循环利用。 ”
In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence , a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats , takacs " achievement tests the imagination 在一种充满各种刺耳噪音且靶心看上去只有句号大小的体育运动中,射击选手们仍能聚精会神地专注于在每次心跳瞬间弯曲手指叩响扳机。塔卡克斯的成功超出了人们的想象。