Three person of standard room bo nan huiguan reservation 标准三人房,博南会馆预订
Ordinary standard room bo nan huiguan reservation 普通标准房,博南会馆预订
Bonan huiguan : yunnan hotels - china hotel yunnan hotel reservation 博南会馆:云南饭店-中国饭店云南饭店订房网
Bo nan huiguan 博南会馆客房介绍
Bo nan huiguan : hotels in lijiang , lijiang accommodation rooms , china discount reservation 在线博南会馆预订系统,免费提供博南会馆优惠预订
Now the house of the wangs is ranamed as bonan huiguan , it s a lucky place to stay 所以说,王家大院即现在的博南会馆是古城的一处居住祥地。
The hotel have 50 spacious and comfortable rooms and 2 vip rooms with elegant interior design according to four star level 博南会馆现有vip房2个,大小标间约50个。
Bonan huiguan is located in the middle of sleeping lion hill in lijiang ancient town - the world cultural heritage 博南会馆是古城里面具有纳西民居风格可充分领略古城风韵的一座客栈。
Bo nan huiguan is a naxi style hotel which can see the whole ancient city . the hotel locates at the northwest of the ancient city 博南会馆是丽江古城内具有纳西民居风格的可充分领略古城风韵的一座客栈。
When climbing to the top of the hotel , you can see the whole ancient city . it is an ideal and best place to enjoy the ancient city of lijiang 登临博南而举目,古城一览而无余,此实为欣赏古城了解古城享受古城的风景佳地。