- the opponent is not strong enough
- 南风 souther; south wind; souther ...
- 不 a block of wood
- 竞 compete; contest; vie
- 南风 souther; south wind; southerly; south; notos
- 风不仁 anemogenous skin numbness; wind-numbness of skin
- 东南风 evros; joysong; southeast wind; southeasterly
- 贾南风 empress jia nanfeng
- 南风报 gio nam
- 南风春 haibara; hayaubaru
- 南风祷 south wind's prayer
- 南风花 haibara
- 南风山 goliath hill
- 南风湾 white cove
- 南风原 haebara; haibara
- 南风洲 nam fung chau
- 热南风 auster
- 西南风 libeccio; southwester; souwester
- 春风不化雨 the prime of miss jean brodie
- 此风不可长 such a tendency is not to be encouraged
- 风不起浪 there are no waves without wind. there's no smoke without fire
- 世风不古 public morals and mores are no longer what they were in the good old days.; social practices have deteriorated
- 通风不足 deficiency in draft; deficiency in draught
- 文风不动 be made of such sound material that the fall could not harm it; (it) did not bear the slightest trace of damage; absolutely still; not given to excitement
- 无风不起浪 there are no waves without wind.; nothing comes [will come] of [from] nothing.; nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it.; nothing is stolen without hands
- 中风不遂 apoplectic dyscinesia
- 南风不竞的日语:〈成〉 (1)南方の音楽に活気がない.(転じて)楚国の軍隊の士気が振るわないこと. (2)競争相手の士気が振るわないたとえ.
- 南风不竞的韩语:【성어】 남방 음악은 음조에 활기가 없다; (1)남방 세력이 쇠미하다. (2)상대[적수]의 위세가 쇠미하다. (3)운세가 신통찮다.
- 南风不竞的俄语:pinyin:nánfēngbújìng песням юга не устоять (обр. в знач.: противнику против нас не удержаться)
- 南风不竞什么意思:nán fēng bù jìng 【解释】南风:南方的音乐;不竞:指乐音微弱。原指楚军战不能胜。后比喻竞赛的对手力量不强。 【出处】《左传·襄公十八年》:“不害,吾骤歌北风,又歌南风。南风不竞,多死声,楚必无功。” 【拼音码】nfbj 【用法】主谓式;作补语、定语;比喻竞赛的一方失利 【故事】春秋时期,音乐家师旷劝晋悼公姬周施行仁政,晋悼公十分喜欢他的音乐。晋平公姬彪时,师旷的演奏技艺可...