The assets as mentioned in these standards shall include single item assets and group assets 本准则中的资产,除了特别规定外,包括单项资产和资产组。
Where it is difficult to do so , it shall determine the recoverable amount of the group assets on the basis of the asset group to which the asset belongs 企业难以对单项资产的可收回金额进行估计的,应当以该资产所属的资产组为基础确定资产组的可收回金额。
Article 18 where there is any evidence indicating a possible impairment of assets , the enterprise shall , on the basis of single item assets , estimate the recoverable amount 第十八条有迹象表明一项资产可能发生减值的,企业应当以单项资产为基础估计其可收回金额。
Specially in enterprise assets evaluation and item assets evaluation ( intangible assets including trademark right and petent right , etc . buldings and construction machine and equipment land use right ) . add speciality in society audit financial accounting , tax consulting 专业从事企业整体评估和包括专利、商标等在内的无形资产、房屋建筑物、机器设备及土地使用权等各类单项资产的评估;专业从事社会审计及财会咨询、税务咨询。
In introduction section , it expounds the sense of researching the = valuable evaluation on merger and acquisition , analys the several existing problems caused by the single - item property adds the total method at present in our nation and brings up the research way of thinking 本文在引言部分,阐明了研究并购中的价值评估的意义,分析了当前我国在企业并购中常常采用单项资产加总法对企业进行价值评估存在的几个问题,并提出了本文的研究思路。
Speciality in hole of enterprise assets evaluation and item assets evaluation ( intangible assets including trademark right , patent right , etc . buildings and construstions , machine and equipment , land use right ) ; and speciality in society audit , financial accounting consulting , tax consulting 专业从事企业整体评估和包括专利、商标等在内的无形资产、房屋建筑用,机器设备及土地使用权等各类单项资产的评估;专业从事社会审计及财会资询、税务咨询。
Business valuation based on modern economy is one of the most difficult and comprehensive professional work in asset appraisal , but also stands for the trend of the appraisal . as china implemented planned economy all the long in the past years , the concept of business value was proposed later than other advanced countries . the study on the theory and method of business valuation we made is relatively backward . all these lead to that we merely use cost method in practice . with the improvement of market economy , the validity of cost method is challenged . hunting for appraisal methods suitable for china circumstance has become more and more urgent . this thesis presents its own opinion on the adjustment of the basic frame of theory of business valuation . for the first time , it puts systems theory into the study of the theory base , and believes that the enterprise as a compound entity has higher efficiency than the sum of its constituent , and then proposes new appraisal assumption . aiming at the obscure understan ding , it analyses a group of conception related to business valuation . after giving a whole analysis and study , this thesis indicates the income approach which emphasizes earning - capacity of a enterprise should become the correct choice of china , and makes a further study on the origin - features and feasibility of this method 植根于现代经济的企业价值评估是资产评估中综合性最强,技术难度最高的业务之一,也是评估业未来的发展方向,由于我国过去长期实行计划经济体制,企业价值概念的提出和运用时间较晚,缺少现代经营理念的积累,企业价值评估的理论与方法的研究比较滞后。本文试图以理性分析和案例分析相结合的方法,系统研究和分析企业价值评估的基础理论及其现实条件下,适应我国经济发展的评估方法,以期为构建有中国特色的企业价值评估理论和方法体系做一些有益的探索。文章以企业价值评估的基本概念为起点,在对众多关于企业性质的学说和理论观点进行概括抽象的基础上,指出了整体性、持续经营和盈利性是企业的重要特征,依据企业的整体性运用系统方法阐明了企业的价值大于组成企业的单项资产价值之和,据此提出了反映企业价值评估特点的有机组合增殖假设;依据盈利性的特点,强调了企业价值评估的核心应为企业的获利能力,而不是组建企业的成本;对企业价值、企业价值评估含义、特点的论述以及对相关概念的辨析表明了作者的个人观点和文章的基本定位,而从评估目的入手划分的以产权变动为目的的企业价值评估和以财务决策为目的的企业价值评估与企业价值评估的假设、评估核心共同决定了评估方法的选用。
If the recoverable amount of fixed asset is lower than its carrying amount due to continuing decline of market prices , technique obsolescence , fixed asset damage , or long - term redundancy of fixed asset in the end of the period , the difference between those two amounts is recognized as provision for impairment loss on fixed asset on an individual item basis 文:期末由于市价持续下跌、技术陈旧、损坏或长期闲置等原因,导致固定资产可收回金额低于账面价值,按单项资产可收回金额低于固定资产账面价值的差额,提取固定资产减值准备。
Article 16 with regard to a hedging by the portfolio of assets or liabilities with similar risk characteristics , each single asset or liability among the portfolio shall undertake the hedged risk simultaneously , and the changes in fair value of each single asset or liability in the portfolio resulted from the hedged risk shall , by and large , be expected in proportion to the holistic changes in the fair value of the portfolio resulted from the hedged risk 第十六条对具有类似风险特征的资产或负债组合进行套期时,该组合中的各单项资产或单项负债应当同时承担被套期风险,且该组合内各单项资产或单项负债由被套期风险引起的公允价值变动,应当预期与该组合由被套期风险引起的公允价值整体变动基本成比例。