

  • unidirectional control



  • 例句与用法
  • Alter unidirectional controll into bidirecional controll
  • While owing to the right control theory established by our country we had also set up a kind of pure control process in the operation of the administrative power , which is rather different from the one in the western countries
  • Abstract : according to the characterestic of resistance furnace temperature control , temperature rising one - way control , large time delay and time - variation of parameter , using method of fuzzy compositional rule of inference establish fuzzy model and design fuzzy cntroler . in order to increase control system precision , it gives a fuzzy variable k , and sets parameter self - adjusting fuzzy control system . this system can on line self - adjusting controller parameters according to the error and variations of the error . it makes the system steady precision improved
    文摘:根据电阻炉温控制的特点,即只有升温单向控制、滞后较大且具有参数时变性,利用模糊推理合成法建立模糊模型并进行模糊控制器设计,为提高模糊控制的精度,引入模糊变量k ,构成参数自调整模糊控制系统.该系统可根据误差和误差变化在线自动调整控制器参数,使系统的稳态精度得到改善
  • According to the characterestic of resistance furnace temperature control , temperature rising one - way control , large time delay and time - variation of parameter , using method of fuzzy compositional rule of inference establish fuzzy model and design fuzzy cntroler . in order to increase control system precision , it gives a fuzzy variable k , and sets parameter self - adjusting fuzzy control system . this system can on line self - adjusting controller parameters according to the error and variations of the error . it makes the system steady precision improved
    根据电阻炉温控制的特点,即只有升温单向控制、滞后较大且具有参数时变性,利用模糊推理合成法建立模糊模型并进行模糊控制器设计,为提高模糊控制的精度,引入模糊变量k ,构成参数自调整模糊控制系统.该系统可根据误差和误差变化在线自动调整控制器参数,使系统的稳态精度得到改善
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
单向控制的英文翻译,单向控制英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译单向控制,单向控制的英文意思,單向控制的英文单向控制 meaning in English單向控制的英文单向控制怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
