- 单一 single; unitary; singleness; ...
- 反 reverse side
- 致 deliver; send; extend
- 单一反射 individual reflection
- 单一反应时间 simple reaction time
- 反致 renvoi; remission
- 一反向 reverse transducer power
- 部分反致 partial renvoi
- 间接反致 indirect remission
- 论反致制度 on system of fanzhi
- 双重反致 double renvoi
- 一级反致 renvoi au permier degree
- 单一 single; unitary; singleness; singlet; unity 单一的生产资料全民所有制 a unitary system of the ownership of the means of production by the whole people
- 第一反抗期 first negative phase
- 举一反三 infer other things from one fact; draw inferences; draw inferences about other cases from one instance; from one sample you may judge of the whole.; just mention one example which serves for the rest; learning by analogy and infer other things from one fact 老师要善于举一反三。 a teacher should be good at drawing inferences about other cases from one instance
- 一反常态 depart from one's normal behavior; be contrary to the way one usually behaves; be [act] out of character; change all of a sudden; contrary to one's usual practice; make a switch; not to be oneself; not to be one's usual self; reverse one's previous stand; suddenly change one's attitude towards
- 一反汇流 bussback
- 一一反表示 faithful anti representation
- 一一反对应 reciprocal one-to-one correspondence
- 专一反应 exclusive reaction
- 嗅觉同一反应 single non-discrimination of smell
- 广义的反致包括狭义的反致 remission
- 举一反三, 类比学习法 learning by analogy
- 举一反三,触类旁通 single out one thing and bring out its bearingsThis single item will suffice to typify all the rest.
- 举一反三触类旁通 this single item will suffice to typify all the rest