

  • magazine of wall street



  • 例句与用法
  • Rupert murdoch is expected to invest heavily in dow jones and the wall street journal
  • And he wrote for the wall street journal opinion page for twenty years , until nineteen ninety - five
  • This means the publisher of the wall street journal will be owned by the media company controlled by rupert murdoch
  • This means the publisher of the wall street journal will be owned by the media company controlled by rupert murdoch
  • A recent wall street journal report indicates that soon employees will spend three to four hours a day on e - mail
    最近华尔街杂志的报道称很快雇员们将每天要花3 - 4个小时在电子邮件上。
  • In an interview published monday , ali al - nuaimi told the wall street journal : " if you are asking me are we going to take additional cuts or increase supply , i do not know
  • However , i remember reading a wall street journal article discussing how in today ' s pop culture it is often used in place of , " you ' re kidding me ! , " or " get out of here !
    然而,我曾读过一篇华尔街杂志的文章,谈到“住口”在当今大众文化中如何被常用来表示“你在忽悠我! ”或“滚开! ” 。
  • In 2005 , the wall street journal reported that applications to full - time mba programs in the united states had plummeted as professors and graduates questioned the degree ' s cost and value in the workplace
  • The copper commodity market was thrown into turmoil recently after the wall street journal reported on monday that a chinese copper futures trader had allegedly taken out a massive bet that copper prices were headed for a fall
  • It was ksm as well who had beheaded wall street journal reporter daniel pearl in may 2002 , and then just before the first anniversary of the videotaped killing sat for an interview in silhouette with al - jazeera to brag about what he had done
    也只有ksm ,才胆敢一刀砍下华尔街杂志记者丹尼尔?珀耳的头颅,并在公开杀人录像将近一周年之际,堂而皇之地坐下来侧着身接受采访,大肆吹嘘自己的杰作。
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