Her house is half a mile down the road . 她的房子位于这条路往前走半英里的地方。
Not more than half a mile ahead raved the second line of breakers . 在不到半英里的前方,第二道波浪在咆哮翻腾。
The log fell into the bog with a splash that could be heard half a mile away . 木头掉进了沼泽里,扑通一声巨响,半英里外都能听到。
As the weather was fine, they had a pleasant walk of about half a mile across the park . 天朗气清,他们穿过花园,作了一次差不多半英里的愉快的散步。
Latham made another attempt a week later and got within half a mile of dover, but he was unlucky again . 莱瑟姆在一星期后又作了一次尝试,到达离多佛不到半英里的地方,可他还是不走运。
Half a mile farther on, near the top of a rise, he looked back. now it looked exactly like a barracks again . 他又前走了约半英里,接近了那个隆起的顶部,回首一看,那里又和真兵营一模一样了。
He was about to walk on, when he noticed on his left hand an unusual light appearing about half a mile distant . 在他打算继续往前走时,他注意到在他左边约莫半英里远的地方有一片非同一般的火光。
As soon as he'd cut the express car off, he made the engineer run her up the track about half a mile to a road crossing . 他把那快递车解下了,马上就叫司机朝前开了半英里路光景,开到了一个道口。
They came to a river about half a mile wide 他们来到一条大约半英里宽的大河边。
- where did you get this ? - half a mile down the road , -哪儿拍的? -沿途半英里处