- 升 rise; hoist; go up; ascend
- 时间 time; hour
- 初热时间 heating-utime
- 烘热时间 warm up period
- 加热时间 aufheizzeit; duration of heat; heat time; heat-up time; heating time; heating-up period; length of heat; period of heating; time of heat; warm up time; warm-up period; warm-up time; warming up time; warming-up time
- 均热时间 duration of soaking; soaking time
- 热时间常数 thermal time constant
- 热时间开关 thermo-time switch; thermo-timeswitch; throttle-valve switch
- 预热时间 pre heating time; preheat time; preheating period; preheating time; warm up time; warm-up time; warming-up time
- 昀热时间 soaking time
- 高压预热时间 high-tension warm-up time; high-tensionwarm-uptime
- 热时间继电器 thermal time relay
- 阴极加热时间 cathode heating time
- 阴极预热时间 cathode preheating time
- 有效加热时间 effective heating time
- 预热时间间隔 preweld interval
- 初热时间暖机时间 heating-up time; heating-utime
- 暖机时间预热时间 warm uperiod; warming-uperiod
- 电子管加热时间 tube heating time
- 焊前加热时间间隔 preweld interval
- 加热周期加热时间 heating period
- 升热器 heat booster
- 热时间延迟开关总规范 thermal time delay switch generic specification of
- 上升热流带 upwelling hot flow zone
- 上升热气团 thermal