- 十 ten
- 波罗蜜 artocarpus heterophyllus; diversileaf artocarpus fruit; jackfruit
- 波罗蜜树液 diversileaf artocarpus resin
- 波罗蜜叶 diversileaf artocarpus leaf
- 常波罗蜜 the first of the four pāramitās eternity
- 持戒波罗蜜 one of the six pāramitās morality keeping the moral law; paramita of discipline
- 第一波罗蜜 foremost paramita
- 滇波罗蜜 artocarpus lakoocha
- 法波罗蜜 for mother amoghasiddhi has
- 方便波罗蜜 upāya the seventh pāramit
- 金刚波罗蜜 for mother ratnasabhava has
- 净波罗蜜 the fourth pāramitā of the nirvana sutra
- 力波罗蜜 the vīrya-pāramit
- 忍波罗蜜 the patience pāramitā
- 尸波罗蜜 sila-paramita
- 檀波罗蜜 dana-paramita
- 土波罗蜜 tupelo honey
- 羯磨波罗蜜 for mother
- 般若波罗蜜多 prajna paramita
- 波罗蜜核中仁 diversileaf artocarpus seed
- 波罗蜜思择智 parami-pavicayabana
- 般若波罗蜜多经 perfection of wisdom sutra
- 般若波罗蜜多心经 boruoboluomiduo buddhist sutra; heart sutra; prajna-paramita-hrdaya-sutra
- 金刚般若波罗蜜经 diamond sutra
- 小品般若波罗蜜经 kumārajīva's abbreviated version in ten juan of the mahā-prajā-pāramitā-sūtra