脑内化学电极 tra dermal brain chemode; transdermal brain chemode
修饰 1.(整理; 装饰) decorate; adorn; embellish:修饰公园, 准备迎接五一。 the parks are decorated for the may day celebrations.2.(梳装打扮) make up and dress up 修饰边幅 beautify one's outward appearance3.(修改润饰) polish (a piece of writing)4.[语言学] qualify; modify; 修饰语 modifier
1 . in our papers , the glycine was modified on the surface of glassy - carbon electrode by the oxidative electropolymerization of cv to fabricate the polyglycine modified electrodes 1 、本文首先通过循环伏安法将甘氨酸氧化电聚合修饰在玻碳电极表面,制成聚甘酸膜化学修饰电极。
Electrochemlcal sensor was widely used in the analytical determination recentlythe studyofchemlcal modified electrode ( cme ) whlchact as electrochemlcal sensor was very plentiful the chemical modified carbon paste electrode ( cmcpe ) which was fabricated by mingling modifier with carbonpaste 叩 plledmore often the cpe has the characteristic ofeaslly modified , wide using range , fabricated easily3 innoculty , long llte span etc because modified spedal substance cmcpe has spedal mnctlon , it is studied more and more byelectfochemlcal worker now supermolecule chemistry , the emerging and up to date cross su 刊 ect , involves all su 刊 ects of chemistry biochemistry and material science etc inthatsupralllolecule c 卜 cthlstry chcffi1stfy offers an effective method for chemists to solve the long term puzzle of improving selectivity , ithas gotten a great devebpment from it ’ s theory beingput forward we can expect the greatly wide application ofsupermolecule chemistry on cme but because the difficulty how to station it on the surface of ethetrode cannot be solved easily , the application of supermolecule chemistry on cme was defined Cmcpe具有了一般碳糊电极的特点,同时又因为修饰了特定物质,使cmcpe具有了特定的功能,越来越受到电分析工作者青睐。而超分子化学是一个新兴的跨学科的交叉前沿领域,由于超分子化学解决了一直困扰化学工作者的选择性问题,因而从其理论提出以来,就得到了巨大的发展。可以预期超分子化学在化学修饰电极方面将有非常广阔的应用前景,但现在由于将超分子试剂修饰在电极这一环节上存在困难,所以现在超分子试剂在cpe上应用较少,在cmcpe中的应用更少。
The sol - gel film showed the excellent chemical and electrochemical properties as well as kept the quality electrochemical activity of those immobilized redox molecules . the modified molecules took place the typical adsorption controlled electrochemical reaction , and furthermore , the modified methylene blue gave the obviously electrochemical catalytic affection on oxidation of nadh or reduction of hemoglobin if they were immobilized in the film meanwhile 同时以硅溶胶?凝胶膜为载体制得化学修饰电极,用sol - gel法在金电极上固定亚甲蓝、硫堇及茜素s ,发现固定于纳米溶胶?凝胶膜内的亚甲蓝和硫堇均有良好的电化学活性,对同时固定于膜内的nadh 、血红蛋白等生物分子产生显著的催化氧化还原作用。
The film chemically modified electrodes are prepared by designing the electrode surfaces on the molecule level and immobilizing the molecules , ions and polymers of the specifically chemical and electrochemical properties on electrode surfaces to provide the modified electrodes with the specifically chemical and electrochemical functions , which enriched the electrode materials and expanded the research field of the electrochemistry 膜化学修饰电极是在电极表面进行分子设计,将具有某种优良化学性质的分子、离子和聚合物固定在电极的表面,使电极具有特定的化学和电化学性质。膜化学修饰电极的发展大大丰富了电化学的电极材料,拓展了电化学的研究领域。