1.(包东西的布) cloth-wrappers 2.(布包起来的包) a bundle wrapped in cloth 短语和例子
手里提着一个包袱 with a cloth-wrapped bundle in one's hand 3.(负担) millstone round one's neck; load; weight; encumbrance; burden 短语和例子
思想包袱 a load on one's neck; a weight on one's mind; a mental burden; 背思想包袱 be spiritually weighed down; 放下包袱, 轻装前进 cast off mental burdens and continue with one's mind at ease
包裹,包袱 bundle背包袱 carry baggage -- have a weight [load] on one's mind; become a burden on one's mind; carry a bundle on one's back; take on a mental burden 你不要因此背包袱。 don't let it weigh on your mind掉包袱 gimmick stunt包袱-胡彦斌 dj vicky remix包袱皮儿 cloth-wrapper背思想包袱 be spiritually weighed down沉重的包袱 a millstone around one’s neck; white elephant打开包袱 untie a bundle放下包袱 lay down the burden; laying my burdens down历史包袱 historical burden甩掉包袱 cast off a burden思想包袱 mental load噱头;掉包袱 gimmick, stunt放下包袱,轻装前进 cast off mental burdens and continue with one's mind at ease放下包袱轻装前进 cast off mental burdens and continue with one's mind at ease你不要因此背包袱 don't let it weigh on your mind手里提着一个包袱 with a cloth-wrapped bundle in one's hand millstone round one's neckloadweightencumbranceburden但是,我们继承我们背包袱 but we carry on our backs the burden包福明 fuming bao包福满厨房设备两合公司 bau for mat kuechen & co. kg; bau-for-mat kuechen gmbh & co. kg包辅 kanesuke包福夫人,医院校医 madam pomfrey包覆 cladding; coating; coverture; encase; encasing包服务控制功能 pscf packet service control function包覆[电]焊条,涂料[电]焊条 coated electrode包缝针迹 brosser point
Jan's factory is an absolute white elephant . 简的那个工厂成了一个大包袱 。 "is that all?" said eli, profoundly relieved . “就是这么些?”伊莱说道,深感卸掉一个大包袱 。 God has been kind to me, and lifted a burden off my heart . 上帝对我是仁慈的,他已卸下我心头的包袱 。 Slowly the burden i had carried for many months lifted somewhat . 渐渐把我背了多少个月的包袱 有点卸掉了。 By the loss of this friendship i found myself relieved from a heavy burden . 失去了他的友谊,我倒是卸下了一个沉重包袱 。 The germans are not prepared, anyway, to support such a vast bag of captives . 德国人无论如何都不准备背这么大的战俘包袱 。 To prevent being known, i pulled off my blue apron, and wrapt the bundle in it . 为了避免被人认出,我脱下我的蓝围裙,拿来包起我的大包袱 。 These five chief executives treated mail processing as a burden to be dispensed with . 这五位行政首脑把函件的处理看成是一种需要卸掉的包袱 。 He got away from his mother only to be saddled with another heavy family situation . 他好不容易摆脱了他那个亲妈,又背上了这样一个沉重的亲属问题包袱 。
包袱的法语 :名 1.morceau de toile servant à envelopper un paquet 2.paquet enveloppé dans un morceau de toile 3.fardeau;charge我的思想~丢掉了!mon esprit est libéré de son fardeau,quel soulagement!包袱的日语 :(1)ふろしき. 用包袱把书包起来/ふろしきで本を包む. (2)ふろしき包み. 他把所有的衣服包成一个大包袱/彼は持ち合わせの服を全部一つのふろしき包みにした. (3)〈喩〉(思想上?精神上の)負担.悩みの種. 思想包袱/思想上の悩み. 放下包袱,开动机器/精神上の重荷をおろし,頭の機械を働かせよ. 不要把成绩chéngjì当包袱/成績を前進の妨げにするな.いまの成績に満足してはいけない. (4)...包袱的韩语 :[명사] (1)보. 보자기. 打dǎ包袱; 보자기에 싸다. 짐을 싸서 꾸리다 拿包袱包上; 보자기로 싸다 解开包袱; 보자기를 풀다 (2)보따리. =[包单(1)] (3)부담. 무거운 짐. 精神上的包袱; 정신적인 부담 放下包袱; 정신적인 부담을 덜어 버리다 (4)뇌물. 递dì包袱; 뇌물을 주다 (5)‘相声’ ‘快书’ 따위의 웃음거리. 抖包...包袱的俄语 :[bāofu] 1) узел (с вещами) 打包袱 [dǎ bāofu] — увязать вещи в узел 2) перен. груз; бремя, обуза 家庭包袱 [jiātíng bāofu] — семейные заботы包袱什么意思 :bāo fu ①包衣服等东西的布。 ②用布包起来的包儿。 ③比喻某种负担:思想~ㄧ不能把赡养父母看成是~。 ④指相声、快书等曲艺中的笑料。把笑料说出来叫抖包袱。