- 包括 include; consist of; compris ...
- 相 looks; appearance
- 切面 tangent plane section cut no ...
- 包含相切面 include tangent faces
- 相切 contact; contingency; graze; grazing; intersecting; tangency; tangential; touch
- 切面 1.[数学] tangent plane2.(剖面)section3.(面条) cut noodles; machine-made noodles
- 相切的 tangential
- 相切割 pc
- 相切圆 tangent circle
- 包括 include; consist of; comprise; contain; cover; incorporate; not excepting; ranging from ... to ...; embody 运费包括在帐内。 the freight is included in the account. 他的发言包括了他所有的论点。 his statement embraces all his arguments
- 不相切的 nontangential
- 反转相切的 counter-rotating tengential
- 互相切磋 improve each other by active discussion
- 加相切边 add tangent edges
- 金相切片 microsectioning
- 切线;相切的 tangent
- 曲线相切 contact of curve
- 相切边角 tangential edge angle
- 相切边角度 tangential edge angle
- 相切刀盘 roughing bevel gear cutter
- 相切控制 tangency controlled
- 相切零点 tangential zero
- 相切罗盘 tangent circle
- 相切匹配 match tangents
- 相切球面 sphere of contact