

  • casing device
  • charging device
  • charging gear
  • feed unit
  • feeding apparatus
  • feeding arrangement
  • feeding device
  • feedingdevice



  • 例句与用法
  • The slurry feed system offers the only continuous feed possibility of the three methods investigated .
  • The large versions can be supplied with auto loading equipment for further improvement of productivity
  • This machine has accessory automatic stripping apparatus , elevator , hackbarrow , belt conveyer and feeding device of storage hopper
    本机配套有: 1自动脱模装置2升降机3运砖车4皮带输送机5储料斗加料装置
  • Adopt raduce shock structure low noise , washingand dewatering pass stable . need not base , adope import seal washer . good to sealing up . it had feeding equipment . modelling beautiful , strong and durable
  • The process characteristics of calcium carbide charging facility in acetylene station were introduced . through adopting plc technology , the automatic control level of the calcium carbide charging facility was improved , and thus the production was stabilized
  • It includes adding means , compaction means , cutting means , film system , heating means and the assistant setups such as guiding the direction , orientation etc . the paper has discussed and compared three projects from the setup ' s component , designed the setup by the best project
  • Dega ( beijing ) plastic machinery co . , ltd is the subsidiary company of dega s . p . a . , which is an leader on the manufactruing of ancillary equipments for plastic processing industry : gravimetric and volumetric dosing unit , hopper feeders , granulator , hot air dryers , desiccant dryers , mould thermoregulators , mixers , cooling plants , automatic mould descaling system and conveyor belts
  • Zp100serides of tablet press are provided with continuous collective lubrication system so as to adequately lubricate the transmission system , guide rails and main friction positions to reduce noise and abrasion , which results in substantial savings of maintenance and service cost . aa per the demands of customers , forced charging device can be mounted to satisfy the stuffing requirements of raw material in powder and other forms
  • 推荐英语阅读
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