accuracy of working machining accuracy machining precision process precision working accuracy
加工 process; machining; working; ...精度 precision; accuracy; degree ...精加工精度 accuracy of finish机床加工精度 machine finish机械加工精度 machining accuracy最后加工精度 accuracy of finishing加工精确度 machining accuracy加工精细 finely proce ed; finely processed冷加工精整 cold finishing; cold-finish冷加工精整钢 cold-finished steel手工精整加工 hand finish冷加工精整工段 cold finishing section高精度微加工 o high precision micro-machining加工坐标精度 setting accuracy on work高精度工程加工 o machining of precision engineering高精度微坏零件加工 o manufacturing of high precision micromechanical parts高精度微机械零件加工 o manufacturing of high precision micromechanical parts精度 precision; accuracy; degree of accuracy; precision accuracy; trueness 高精度 high precision; 精度表 accuracy table; 精度等级 accuracy class; class of accuracy; grade of accuracy; grade of precision; precision class; 精度准则 accuracy criteria工精文国际 oisca international手工精削 hand finishing手工精整 hand finishing手工精整漆 hand finish手工精装本 extra bound做工精细 be superior in material and excelllent in workmanship; perfect in workma hi(exquisite workma hip); perfect in workmanshi(exquisite workmanship); perfect in workmanship传统绣工精湛 exquisite traditional embroidery art
The precision is ensured through cad / cam technology Cad / cam技术的应用保证了加工精度 。 Products are precisely machined with high assembling accuracy 产品加工精度 高,质量可靠。 Test methods for performance and accuracy of wood planers 木工刨床的性能和加工精度 试验方法 High processing precision and high stability for the lot size加工精度 高,批量尺寸稳定性高 Test methods for performance and accuracy of band scroll saws 带线锯的性能和加工精度 试验方法 Test methods for performance and accuracy of moulding machine 制模机的性能和加工精度 试验方法 Manufacturing range of cnc machining centre 最高直径加工精度 Test code for performance and accuracy of wood working machinery 木材加工机械的性能和加工精度 试验规程 Test code for performance and accuracy of numerically controlled lathes 数控车床性能和加工精度 试验规程 Influence of micro - advancement on the accuracy of machinery processing 分析微量进给对机械加工精度 的影响
加工精度的日语 :かこうせいど こうさくせいど加工精度とは意味 :1. machining accuracy 2. processing accuracy