- 加压 pressurization; compression; ...
- 不及 not as good as; inferior to
- 时 shí]
- 加压不足 understressed; understressing
- 不及时,晚点 behind time
- 不及时的劈 delayed cut
- 加压不溅润滑 force-feed nonsplash lubrication
- 不及时的还击 delayed riposte
- 不及时的进攻 delayed attack
- 不及时付款风险 untimely payment risk
- 不及时交割风险 untimely delivery risk
- 辅食添加不及时 introduction of solid food
- 若不及时遏止谎言 give a thief enough rope and he’ll hang himself
- 不及 1.(不如; 比不上) not as good as; inferior to 我唱得不及她好。 i don't sing as well as she does.2.(来不及) too late 躲避不及 too late to dodge; 后悔不及 too late for regrets3.(够不上) fall short of; fail to reach 力所不及 beyond one's power; 不及要领 be off the point
- 如果你不及时作出决定就会两头落空 you are likely to fall between two stools
- 因对方来证不及时而要求延长交期 a request for an extension of the l/c due to a belated l/c
- 及时 1.(正赶上时候) timely; in time; seasonable 及时播种 sow in good time; 及时的忠告 timely advice; 这场雨下得真及时呀! this is a timely rain indeed.2.(不拖延;立即) promptly; without delay 及时汇报 report without delay; 有病要及时治疗。 get prompt treatment when you are ill. 有问题要及时解决。 problems, if any, should be solved without delay.; 及时性 timeliness; 及时修改 time update
- 压不碎 uncrushable
- 加压 [工业] pressurization; compression; press; forcing; [拉丁语] prelum◇加压背心 [航空] pressure waistcoat
- 不及格 fail; flunk; disqualified 她英语不及格。 she failed in english
- 等不及 cant wait; can’t wait for; thaison
- 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth.); there's no time;it's too late 我来不及写信给他了。 there's no time for me to write a letter to him. 赶头班车恐怕来不及了。 i'm afraid it's too late to catch the first bus
- 远不及 not nearly
- 泵压不稳 the pumpressure is fluctuating
- 等压不变点 isobaric invariant point