Para influenza virus found in cmc patients 明爱医院病童样本发现副流感病毒
" infections caused by pivs are common , especillay in infant and small children 他说:由副流感病毒引起的感染颇为常见,特别是幼童较易感染。
Investigation on clinical effect of qingkailing injection for parainfuluenza virus by aerosol inhalation or inject 清开灵雾化与静滴给药对副流感病毒感染的疗效观察
Preliminary microbiological test results on his respiratory specimens show pneumococcus and parainfluenza virus 从他呼吸糸统收集的样板作初步微生物化验显示有肺炎球菌及副流感病毒。
The spokesman said the enhanced infection control measures being implemented at the affected wards in cmc are effective to prevent the spread of piv 发言人表示现时于明爱医院受影响病房实施的加强感染控制措施,能有效防止副流感病毒的传播。
The most common causes for viral pneumonia are influenza , parainfluenza , adenovirus , and respiratory syncytial virus ( rsv appears mostly in children ) 病毒性肺炎最常见的病原是流感病毒,副流感病毒,腺病毒,以及呼吸道合胞体病毒( rsv主要发生于儿童) 。
A chp spokesman said pivs are spread by respiratory secretions through close contact with infected persons or contact with contaminated surfaces or objects 生防护中心发言人表示,副流感病毒是透过接触受感染人士的呼吸道分泌物,或接触受污染的物件表面及物件而传播。
" infection can occur when infectious material contacts mucous membranes of the eyes , mouth or nose , and possibility through the inhalation of droplets generated by a sneeze or cough , " the spokesman said 副流感病毒可经由染有病毒的物件接触眼晴口或鼻的黏膜,或经吸入病人喷嚏或咳嗽的飞沫而传染。
" in a hospital setting , spread of pivs can and should be prevented by strict attention to droplet and contact precautions , such as handwashing , as well as wearing of masks , gowns and gloves , " the spokesman said 他说:在医院的环境中,要防止副流感病毒的传播,必须严格遵守预防飞沫及接触传染的指引,例如洗手及应穿著保护面罩衣物及手套。